

The Demand for Armour in Film and TV

In the past, blacksmiths were extremely important members of society. They created the armour and weapons which were needed by communities in order to defend themselves against invaders. Over the last few centuries, the need for armour has diminished....
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Nicotine And Armour Based Reenactments

If someone wants to spend the day cosplaying as an armour clad warrior, they could attend a historical reenactment event. For thousands of years different civilisations have utilised armour in order to gain an edge over their enemies. As a result there...
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The Amazonian Warriors

There is undoubtedly much debate about whether a tribe of female Amazon warriors ever existed. They are portrayed in modern culture as being a fearsome army of women who were the enemies of the Ancient Greeks. In reality, they were more likely to be Scythians,...
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Female Armour Wearers

Medieval re-enactment events give the public a chance to live out the experiences of people from the Middle Ages. Women are able to put on armour and cosplay as knights. Due to the male hierarchy of the medieval time period, it is easy to assume that...
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Floor Decorations for Armour Lovers

If someone is hoping to start an armour collection, then there are plenty of options available. These items have a rich history and have been found throughout the world. When people traditionally think of armour, they imagine the plate type worn by knights...
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Armour for Cosplay

While armour was once an essential form of attire in everyday medieval life, it is rarely seen worn in modern times. One exception to this is at cosplay conventions. These events allow attendees to dress up and role play as historical or fantasy figures....
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Medieval Suit of Armour: The Danger It Posed to Soldiers

Staying alive in the Middle Ages was extremely hard, and a suit of armour is a clear indication of that. It was designed to protect soldiers from sharp things in battle, and it was not cheap. Still, wearing a suit of armour came with lots of risks, most...
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Chain Mail

While we call it chain mail today, often in Medieval times it was just referred to as mail. It was worn by knights from around the 9th century until a
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The Fitzwilliam Museum

In the city of Cambridge, England, there is a museum called the Fitzwilliam Museum. This museum is home to more than 400 different pieces of armour. T
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History of the word ‘armour’

Armour is the English spelling of the term used to describe the protective clothing and equipment used by soldiers for thousands of years during battl
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